Spraying to All Fields

Op-ed and comments across the spectrum; hence "Spraying to All Fields."

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

John Kerry Apology

When you are speaking to a bunch of military-age college kids and tell them to get a good education or end up in Iraq, it's hard to believe that Senator Kerry was talking about 60-year-olds in government.

Once again, John Kerry shows his disdain and disrespect for the American military.

Unfit decades ago. Unfit in 2004. Unfit today. Simply unfit. Period.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Ugly Americans

Nominations are now being taken for the top ten ugly Americans. I'll start with nominating Cindy Sheehan.

Tell me your nominee via a Comment or endorse the nominees of others....

Harold Ford, Jr.

Heard Senate hopeful Harold Ford, Jr., on FNC this evening. Son-of-a-gun if he did not sound downright Republican—or at least what Republicans once sounded like. I think he has a real shot at getting elected Senator....


Well, it's started. Seems a major shopping mall in Southern California has done a press release announcing the pending setup of a big fir "Holiday Tree" in the mall. One has to assume the intent of a "holiday tree" is to celebrate what? that great holiday, Independence Day? or maybe Memorial Day? Labor Day? MLK's Birthday? Cinco de Mayo?

Folks (and the ACLU), a Christmas Tree is a Christmas Tree is a Christmas Tree.


Hollywood just doesn't get it. I go to the movies for escape. When I see an actor who is a political activist, my belief in the role being played is overridden by the actor's real-life "role" in politics.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Immigration and Iowa

Des Moines Register, today...


The language of The United States is American English. Learn it quickly or go back to wherever you came from.



A couple of decades ago, television fare was called a "wasteland." I'm hard-pressed to find the word that represents the even lower depths of today's television fare, other than increasingly non-viewable....



It should be no surprise that most politicians are greedy, pompous, and have little regard for anything except their self-interest, much less the common man. After all, most come from the ranks of attorneys....



Nine out of ten persons sporting tattoos have no idea how they turn-off nine out of ten people without tattoos.


West Texas

Unfortunately, West Texas males have given up the macho-look of Levis, Wranglers, and boots for the wimpy California-look of bare spindly-legs and flip-flops or sandals. Not one man-in-twenty has well-formed legs instead of toothpicks, a fact that seems to escape male Longhorn fans.


Tom Cruise

Read somewhere that he has dropped from Number 6 on the Hollywood popularity rankings to somewhere in the 630-ish range. However, I understand he still ranks high with sofa repairmen and L. Ron (wherever you are)....


The Border Fence

The politcos posture about securing our borders, but you know and I know it will never happen. In the guise of "tolerance," weak-willed politicians, and complacent citizenry lies the eventual demise of The United States of America.


Home Owners Associations

Why is it not in the HOA's manager's job description to walk the association's properties, say, once-a-month. How about once-a-year?


Howard Stern

Yes, I would put shock-jock Howard Stern somewhere within the ranks of the world's top-ten most obnoxious human beings. And, Sirius wonders what their problem is....


Ford Motor Company

As an acronyn for Fix Or Repair Daily, Ford has to do a whole lot more than just cut costs in order to survive.


Sean Penn

I believe Penn was that smart-ass punk in my sophomore high school class that nobody liked. He hasn't changed.


Keith Olbermann

MSNBC's bloviating Olbermann is so full of himself and male bovine excrement, he's in danger of exploding on-camera and plastering the studio with and giving a new definition to the "S" in MSNBC.


Election Day

On Election Day, throw the incumbents out. It's our only hope.
